A collection (very incomplete) of some costumes I've done over the years. Click on thumbnail images for larger versions.

Green Renaissance

English, circa 1530s. Very early work of mine, not great, but a decent start.

Yellow Renaissance

Italian, 15th cent. Hand-embroidered along the hem.

Red Renaissance

Another Italian piece.

German Landsknecht, Renaissance

These were a real challenge, done for three co-workers of mine. The designs were copied from period woodcuts. The Landknechts were easily the gaudiest soldiers of the Renaissance.

Renaissance peasant

Working garb, not as hot or restrictive as the upper-class clothing.

Boy's clothes

I wore this when it was too hot or muddy for the skirts to be practical when working ground crew at the joust.

Stage costumes

For a stage show at a Renfaire. (I did the horse trappings, too.)

Miscellaneous Renfaire stuff

The yellow Italian number again, and peasant costumes I did for a couple of friends. Jousters and ground crew. I did my peasant outfit, the three Landknechts, and the yellow shirt. My English Civil War riding habit (right), and a peasant costume for a friend. English Civil War riding habit, during equestrian gaming.

English Civil War

Wish I had a good picture of this one; it turned out rather well, but all I have is this snapshot.

Old West

For a Wild West show. The tan outfit is fake "buckskins" made of a sueded cotton; he was working in hot weather and needed something that would breathe and be washable. The fringe was made from hand-cut bias tape, each strip individually placed. The black shirt is a similar design.

Wedding Gowns

Wedding gowns are costumes as far as I'm concerned. I did four, but only have photos of two of them. This is Melody's, the first one I did. It had 65 yards of lace hand-gathered onto that skirt.

And this is Tina's, a somewhat simpler design. There were tiny lavender rosebuds sewn along the top of the skirt flounce.